Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Emmy Award Nominee

No, not me. I can see how you could be confused.

Rachel Coleman from Signing Time is nominated for a daytime Emmy. She does the shows that teach kids American Sign Language. The girls love watching Signing Time videos and the TV show. It comes on PBS at like 6:30 in the morning on Sundays but thanks to the miracle of DVR, I record it whenever it comes on and then when I'm in dire need of a fake babysitter, I turn on the latest edition of Signing Times. Ha ha. Actually, I often turn it on for us all to watch while I'm feeding Campo. I love learning the signs. To me, it's so easy to learn from watching these little shows. Anyway, congrats Rachel! How exciting. Hope you win!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the good wishes! I am excited and thrilled. I had to see it for myself before I started calling my family and friends.

Thanks again!

Debbie said...

Thanks for the info. My kids only know the "more" sign! I can't wait to see this show.