Saturday, January 19, 2008

Quick BabyWearing Update

So, my sweet husband, in an attempt to help out, put a load of laundry over to dry and the Hotsling...SHRUNK...a LOT. I didn't know he was going to do this or I would have told him that it is not supposed to go in the dryer. Aggghhhh!!! What to do now? This thing saved my life the past couple of days. Not to mention the $40 down the drain! And I found a super deal on this one. They aren't cheap!

A commenter on my previous post said she found some Hotslings at Target - I had no idea they had them there. I bought the only sling I found there and it is huge and bulky and I can't stand it. I guess I'll try the SuperTarget this time and see if they have any. I can return the huge bulky sling that I'm not going to use so at least I can cut some of the cost for the replacement that way. If that doesn't work, I guess I'll just have to fork out the $40 or more it will cost to replace the shrunken one. I'm desperate! Of course, the baby is not helping my case (to spend more money on slings) with my husband as he has slept just fine ALL day in his little bassinet like he refuses to do on days when hubby is at work! Aggghhhh!!! My other idea is to sell the Hotsling I bought on Ebay however, I don't know what size it is now! I don't want to be dishonest but if I say I don't know what size it really is, I don't think it would sell. Again...Aggghhhh!!!

I'm going to take a nap. All of this has made me tired plus the baby is asleep and they tell me I'm supposed to sleep when he does - yeah right. I guess the blog is supposed to write itself??


nicole said...

Fork over the money if you can't find one at the store. You know it works and you know you will use it. Just make sure Husband knows the drill now!

rita said...

Stevie, I lost my first hotsling. Probably fell out of the car when getting in/out one day. I was very sad. It was a wonderful life-saver for me! After 30 days (yes, I counted), I purchased another sling-this time the zolowear sling-not the kangaroo pouch kind. The baby was about 3mos and could hold her head up, so I felt much more confident. Anyhow, I found it at Whole Earth provisions for less than BebeGrand. And YES, I still use it for my now 15mos old.