Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My Mother's Day

A couple of thoughts from my mother's day. It was...a mother's day. Not great, not horrible. I did feel oh so blessed to be a mother and a couple of things occurred that made me feel very motherly. Big Bear had been struck with a fever on Friday. It went way up, and then down, and then way up and down again. The highest was 103.8 which had me really freaking out. That was Saturday night about 9:30 when she came out crying and wanting to sleep in mommy's bed. Since I was pretty close to turning in anyway, we went and laid down in bed while daddy went to get Motrin. She was burning hot and it was hard to sleep with all of the heat from her. The fever finally went down and surprisingly, we all got a pretty good night of sleep. As I tried to fall asleep that Mother's Day eve, I started thinking about the first time she was ever sick. She was about 10 months old and it was an ear infection. I hated seeing her sick. It broke my heart. And I had to give up some plans to stay home and comfort and care for her. But, there was a good side to it too. I remember how it was the most "motherly" I had ever felt since she had been born. I liked being needed so much by her, feeling that I was comforting her, and having her snuggle with me as she hadn't since she'd become somewhat independent of me after learning to sit and all! Every time since then, when my kids are sick, I have that same strong motherly feeling. It's as if their illness brings out the most nurturing side of me. So, while of course I never want my children to be sick and would rather her have been well, it was kind of neat to feel so very mommy like on Mother's Day!

A very special part of Mother's Day was the one on one time I got to enjoy with Me Too! She had been stuck inside for a few days due to Big Bear's illness and was starting to go stir crazy. So she and I went to Mass together and then out to lunch. It was just Wendy's but it might have well have been a 4 star restaurant for as happy as she was with the whole outing! She had a smile from ear to ear when we got home and stayed in a good mood even after her nap! And to top it off, Grammy, Grampy, and Emma came over for a yummy Mexican food dinner and cake!

Best of all, Campo gave me a very special present to make it a memorable Mother's Day! Just a few days shy of turning 5 months old, he rolled over for the first time! Actually, he had rolled over from tummy to back once or twice when he was having tummy time but that is the easy way! This time it was back to tummy...and then to his back again! I remember both of the girls learning to roll from their backs to their tummies first and then being stuck and getting mad! I'd turn them back over only for them to flip right over and get mad again! It was so frustrating and I couldn't wait for them to be able to go both ways! Not this time! The only thing causing some trouble is sleeping. He's flipping on his tummy and then getting upset but he fell asleep that way tonight and I'm thinking he's going to quickly find out he likes it much better!

Hope everyone else had a great Mother's Day!

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