Thursday, February 21, 2008

Motivational Minute - Update!

When I said I only lost a few ounces, I was referring to my weigh in last Thursday (wrote that post this past weekend). I am a freak about weighing myself. I do it everyday - usually a few times a day. Now, when I was a WW leader, I told people NOT to do that! But I still did it! Anyway, I weighed this morning and....2 lbs - GONE (not lost because I don't want to find them again!)!! Buh, bye! Don't let the door hit ya. Adios!

Just had to share!


nicole said...

Way to go!

Rachel said...


Thanks for the comment on my blog about the CRHP prayer. I am the Lay Director this time around. The first time I was the Scripture Witness. It is really cool being on this end of the process.

Best wishes on you weight loss. I really never had to worry about weight until after my mom died 7 years ago. I thought I was dealing with the grief pretty well...apparently 25lbs too well.
YUCK! And I just can seem to find motivation to do anything! However, you have me in I will turn 42 in April (ahhhh where did the time go?)

Also, just wanted to say the 'When Harry Met Sally" is my #1 fave movie of all time. I know the whole thing by heart...pathetic really.

I love being Catholic too...I am a crazy convert!


Stevie Moon said...

Nicole - thanks! You can join me in a few months after you have your baby - although I've seen you're pics and it won't take you long!!

Rachel - Congrats on being Lay Director! What a great calling. I'll be praying for your team as you approach the weekend!