Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten

Big Bear did so great! She was so excited! The whole family walked her in. We put her gigantic backpack (it has nothing in it but a sweater and change of clothes!) and lunch in her locker. Then we went into the classroom. The teacher had some puzzle pieces with their names on it and some markers set out in a circle. The kids were supposed to find their names and start coloring...which is exactly what Big Bear did. In fact, I'm just realizing we didn't even have a hug goodbye...she just walked right over and started her work!

I, on the other hand, did not do great. My goal for today was not to cry in front of her...and I did it! I held off until I walked out of the classroom and then lost it. The principal was standing there and gave me a big hug. I felt like a huge dork but saw several other teary eyed mommies in the KG hallway too.

Anyway, it's quiet around here. But it was nice to be up and dressed and ready for the day so early. We got home and I took Me Too and Campo outside to play since it was still cool. I usually don't have it together enough to get outside when it's not 1000 degrees! It's going to be fun to run to the park and things like that once we get into the swing of things...well, I say that but actually we'll be running to Campo's therapy for the next several weeks. More on that in another post at another time.

Alright, me and the two little ones are going to run some errands...something I hardly even did with three. It just seems a little more do-able with only 2! Maybe this won't be all bad!

Here's some pictures!

First Day of School


Debbie said...

You made me cry! Happy first Day, Mommy.

The Buntens said...

she looks precious!!! I did not cry with my first but bawled like a baby with my last.