Monday, June 15, 2009

VBS+First Day=Crazy

Today was the first day of VBS for us. Big Bear has been the past two years and knows the drill but it was Me Too's first time to go as a true VBS'er instead of hanging out in the nursery. Campo, of course, is putting in his time at the nursery. And last, but not least, I did my part as a volunteer. Truth be told, I don't know who loves VBS more or gets more excited about it, me or the kids. It really is a lot of fun. You always get to meet new people but what is more fun to me are my VBS friends. There are certain people that I only ever see once a year at VBS. Some I look forward to seeing, others I forget about every time until I see them. So fun! Me Too and Campo had a little trouble at first but quickly got into the groove...Campo even got comfortable enough to drink some bubbles! And no, he's not burping bubbles!

What was really fun was getting to see Grampy. He came over to speak to the kids at the end of the day and the girls really got excited to see him!

Here are some pics. Notice how unhappy Me Too is at the pictures with Grampy. She was tired and hungry at the end of the day. She really did have a good time!

VBS 2009

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