Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Absence Makes the Readers Grow...

more scarce I'm sure. I haven't gotten the nerve up to look at the stat counter info lately. It's not about that anyway.

I just haven't had much to say lately. Life has been busy, crazy, happy and tiring and I just haven't had much on my mind. Maybe it's just to hot to think much! I really haven't even been reading many blogs either. I think maybe I'm just needing a break.

But here are a few things...

My hubby and I have joined the team that puts on a marriage retreat at our parish called Beyond Cana. We are really enjoying having something to do together besides survive our children and day to day life! We don't have much in common as far as liking the same movies and things like that and we've always had separate activities so it's fun to have something important to do together. Plus, I think we have both become very passionate about helping people have good marriages. We are finding that we hear more and more about problem marriages and we grieve them together even when we don't know the people. We had a team meeting last night and Julie (or Happy Catholic) nailed how I felt in her post about it.

The last day of school was yesterday but tomorrow I have a training to go to for the summer session. After tomorrow we're off until the 24th. And Grammy leaves tomorrow to visit my brother, sister-in-law and niece so I have the kids all to myself full time for a week! Yikes! It's going to be fun! We got a little swimming pool that the girls are loving! And I have a couple of bags of goodies hidden in the closet - finger paints, water paints, play dough, sidewalk chalk...that kind of stuff. I have some ideas of some places to go as well. I think we'll have fun! And in a couple of weeks we have VBS.

And we had a great trip to my in laws house for Memorial Day weekend! The girls really had a blast as usual. Doug and I had a great time...until we got no sleep due to Campo being up about every hour and a half that night! Here are some pics!

1 comment:

nicole said...

The retreat team sounds great! I hope it does bless you beyond imagining.